Dr. Ming Wang talks on annual Spring Fling PA Conference in Memphis, zoom talk

Date: 2020-08-14 08:00 - 08:55

Venue: zoom / online

A vision for finding new common ground

in a polarized world 

Ming Wang, MD, PhD

Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude); PhD (laser physics)

Co-founder, the Common Ground Network (www.commonground.network)

President, Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

Director, Wang Vision Institute, drwang@wangvisioninstitute.com, www.drmingwang.com 

Dr. Ming Wang is a Harvard and MIT graduate (MD, magna cum laude) and one of the few cataract and LASIK surgeons in the world today who holds a PhD in laser physics. He is the co-founder of the Common Ground Network (www.commonground.network) with a mission to help people find common ground and solutions in their lives so they can be more successful.

As a teenager, Ming fought valiantly to escape one of history’s darkest eras – China’s Cultural Revolution – during which millions of innocent youth were deported to remote areas to face a life sentence of poverty and hard labor. Ming eventually made his way to America with $50 in his pocket and an American dream in his heart, where against all odds he has earned a PhD in laser physics and graduated magna cum laude with the highest honors from Harvard Medical School and MIT.

Dr. Wang is the president of the Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group. He founded a 501c(3) non-profit organizations, the Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration, which to date has helped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and 55 countries with all sight restoration surgeries performed free-of-charge. Dr. Wang was named the Kiwanis Nashvillian of the Year for his lifelong dedication to help blind orphaned children from around the wor




All Dates

  • 2020-08-14 08:00 - 08:55