TIMBG 2024 Fall Quarterly Forum

Date: 2024-09-05 17:30

Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

2024 Fall Quarterly Forum
9/5/24 Thurs 5:30pm

Event Location: CMG Home Loans Office
810 Crescent Centre Dr. Suite 320, Franklin, TN 37067

Food provided

Admission is $25 for non-members (free for members)

2024 calendar year membership is $70 (free admission for all four forums)

To apply for membership, click here

RSVP: John Mickner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; www.TIMBG.org

How to build relationship for business growth

Hosted by

John Mickner, Owner 3PL Services, Inc.

Joey Ellis, Business Development Executive at ServPro

TIMBG board:

Nelson Boren, Diana Canada, Kip Dodson, Yousef Husseini, Brandon Lin,
John Mickner (COO), Alex O’Kagu, Tony Roberts,
Ming Wang (president and co-founder)

Partner chambers:

Tennessee American-Chinese Chamber of Commerce ( www.tac3.org )
Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce ( www.tccc.us )

TIMBG was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Galen Hull in 2013
TCCC was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Qiang Wu in 2007

www.TIMBG.org , www.tccc.us and www.diverseculturalevents.com




All Dates

  • 2024-09-05 17:30

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