Taste from Around the World - TIMBG annual multcultural food tasting and discussion

Date: 2020-05-21 18:00 - 20:00

Venue: 4304 Hillsboro Pike. Nashville, TN. 37215

Equipping and Empowering All Ethnic Chambers of Commerce   Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

TIMBG’s annual multicultural food tasting and discussion

Music performance: Chinese violin (er-hu): Dr. Ming Wang, MD, PhD. Classical guitar: Carlos Enrique, MA

Keynote speaker: Senator Marsha Blackburn

Food tables from Eight countries: China, Congo, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Persia, Philippines, USA

Thurs, May 21st, 2020, 6:00 – 8:00 PM

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4304 Hillsboro Pike, Nash, TN

Cost: $15 per person, $120 per table of 8. Jacket and tie or nice party attire.

RSVP: John Mickner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TIMBG membership for calendar year 2020 is $20, with FREE admissions to all events.

TIMBG board:

Nelson Boren, Pratik Chauhan, Kip Dodson, Mike Fair, Alana Grimaud, Zheng Huang, John Mickner (COO), Austin Niravong, Tony Roberts, Brian Shun, Jana Truman, Ming Wang (President, co-founder)

Partner chambers: Tennessee American-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tac3.org), and Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tccc.us)

TIMBG was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Galen Hull in 2013 for immigrant and minority businesses.

TCCC was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Qiang Wu in 2007 to promote U.S. – China trade.

www.TIMBG.org, www.tccc.us and www.diverseculturalevents.com


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All Dates

  • 2020-05-21 18:00 - 20:00

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